Contact Information

West Wynde Health Services, Inc.
6201 Bonhomme Rd. #264 N
Houston, Texas 77036
Phone: (713) 972-19026201 Bonhomme Rd. #264 N
Houston, Texas 77036
Fax: (713) 972-0272
Services We Provide
- Skilled Nursing Services
- Home Health Aide
- Psychiatric Nursing Service
- Physical and Occupational Therapy
- Medical Social Worker
- Speech Therapy
- Specialized Therapies
- Recreational Therapy
- Massage Therapy
- Aquatic therapy
- Music Therapy
- Horseback Riding Read More
Service Areas
We can generally staff a patient anywhere in Houston. We try to take cases within a 70-mile radius from our location. Our agency service portions of the following counties:

Criteria for Admission
Admission to West Wynde Health Services, Inc. can only be made upon recommendation of a physician, based upon the needs of the patient/client, homebound status and the type of services required that this organization can provide or coordinate with other organizations. Medicare will generally reimburse for the patient's care provided the following conditions are met:
- The patient must be homebound. This means that the patient has an illness, an injury or a condition that makes it difficult or unsafe for the patient to leave home without a considerable taxing effort and the patient's absences are infrequent and of short duration or the patients are not able to leave home safely without the assistance of another person. The patient can still be considered homebound if they leave home to attend a religious service or to participate in a therapeutic, psychosocial, or medical treatment when accompanied with a state licensed/certified and/or accredited adult or day care program. If the patients are able to drive, then they do not meet the homebound requirement.
- The patient must have a recent illness or injury (or worsening of a chronic condition) which requires the care of a Skilled Nurse or Therapist. This is referred to as "skilled care".
- The patient must be under the care of a physician who has ordered the treatment or services to be provided. The services must be medically necessary and specifically ordered by the physician.
- The care must be provided on an intermittent basis. This means that Medicare will not pay for our health care staff to stay with the patient for an extended time we will visit the patient for the length of time it takes to provide the specific treatment ordered by the physician.